
Broad Research Questions:

  • What does my immediate soundscape entail? How can I describe what I am hearing?
  • Can I compare it to past soundscapes?
  • What issues will I focus on?
  • Why should these issue be important to anyone other than myself?
  • Can I write for an academic and lay audience? Engage people from multiple backgrounds?

Methods of documentation and recording:

  • Started recording on 5/9/14
  • Wrote down the days, but not always the time of day.
  • Recorded extensively the sounds I can hear from my apartment
  • Soundwalks to and from the UCSD Hospital
  • Recorded long stretches of time, then short time periods

Challenges and Moving forward:

  • Ethics of soundscape recording
  • Discuss space vs. place
  • Ambulance sirens and new emergency vehicle technology
  • Include history of neighborhood and certain buildings?
  • Eventually move beyond immediate neighborhood in Hillcrest and research other "sound blocks"
  • Look at works of:
    • Annea Lockwood
    • John Levack Drever
    • Bernard Krause
    • Soundwalking Interactions research group (possibly contact this group)

Ongoing Research Questions:

  • How do I frame my research within existing methodologies and theoretical frameworks?
  • What is the best interdisciplinary approach?
    • Urban Soundscape
    • Urban Planning, Design, Architecture
    • Urban Development and Politics
    • Ecomusicology
    • Acoustic Ecology
    • Ethnography (talking to others in the neighborhood, survey their soundscape experiences)

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